Working with & supporting PDA children in education - an overview

During this 1 hour webinar PDA Society Education Lead Jilly shares some of her extensive experience supporting PDA learners.

Topics include: how PDA may present in learning, masking, reasonable adjustments, managing qualifications, rewards, praise and consequences and transitions. Tickets are £10 providing access to the recording for 30 days.

Delivered by:

Karen Cherry

PDA Society Lead Trainer

Karen is a Special Educational Needs Consultant with a background in teaching in adult and further education. She has personal experience as a parent of 2 neurodivergent children, one with a PDA profile. Her background is in teaching in adults and further education. She spent some time in advocacy supporting parent’s but her true passion is in teaching and delivering training for The PDA Society, mainly to schools, in order to raise awareness and understanding of how best to support a PDA young person whether within a school setting or out of school.

Jilly Davis

PDA Society Education Lead

Jilly also worked for the National Autistic Society Schools’ (NAS) and was the assistant head and specialist PDA teacher for Robert Ogden specialist school and continues to consult for the school in retirement. In 2004 she was given the responsibility of developing and managing a learning environment within the school to cater for children who have been excluded from a range of educational provision and to develop good autism practice to meet the needs of young people with complex autism profiles including Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA). Jilly has presented at the NAS PDA conferences and delivered training for the NAS regarding educational approaches for working with PDA children.